Vanilla: The Good Girl’s Guide to Basic Bitch-Ness
Making positive change is an an act of sympathetic magic. In the case of choosing to come out as Vanilla, life was changing rapidly and needed to be slowed down. An elongated spell to manifest desired outcome seemed like a good way to acquire control since let’s be clear here, manifesting destiny is all about control. Making the choice to embrace behaviors that were the opposite of what society had been encouraging became a delightful way to self actualize.
An incantation was required then necessary spells would be performed to stay on track. Deciding to come out as Vanilla was an easy one: it was authentic. Everything else prior to embracing Vanilla-ness had been play acting in order to be accepted. Identifying as a true Vanilla in a chocolate swirl peanut espresso world felt like Hope laying at the bottom of Pandora’s chest being crushed by Malice and Mischief. It had not been a safe place for Vanillas for a long time and truly being Vanilla would take courage.
Finding the courage to come out as Vanilla was motivated by moving to a beautiful, new geographical location and starting over. Nineteen years in the same small, liberal, new age hamster cage of a hipster town had been eighteen years and 364 days too many. What a nightmare. Why sugar coat it? People do change, this person had changed and thank God, along with his beautiful Wife and all the Gods on Mt. Olympus (as well as the Norse pantheon)that this little Vanilla was blessed enough to be getting out.
Leopards do change their spots and humans become different people. They can Feng Shui their personalities just like their houses and bodies. Always give someone the opportunity to change because they can and they do. The most wonderful form of change is when a person lets go of everything (and everyone) that does not work for them and becomes who they really are. This is not an act of selfishness. Being who you really are means no longer becoming entangled in situations not meant for you because you are finally authentic instead of pretending to be something you’re not hoping it will eventually all work out.
Be brave, be strong, be Vanilla.